So every once in a while I have to change something on the blog...just because I can I suppose. What's really bugging me right now is the title and/or the domain name. It's hard to explain to people that Biner is not our last name but actually a strange nickname derived from my husband's attempt to make "albino" less offensive. I guess the humorous companion to the nickname people with albinism have for normally pigmented people: pigmentos.
I want a name that reflects the new attitude I'm trying to adopt: not the pessimist of the past or the unrealistic Pollyanna, but the wanna-be-hip mama that takes special needs in stride. The kind of outlook that kicks ass and takes names. (And to show you how far I've got to go - I had to google that phrase to make sure I had it right. Thank you urban dictionary!)
The best I can come up with so far is "Shera and the Short Bus." But this name only makes sense to girls who were born in the 80's and it's not entirely accurate since Emerson actually takes a huge bus to preschool. So hopefully you can see my dilemma and offer some more creative suggestions.
I'm happy to offer a reward to the person with the best idea. Let's see what my skills are...if you are local, I can babysit or clean your house. And if you're not local, I can edit term papers or help you craft a sermon. (I said I had skills - I didn't say they were useful.)