Sunday, May 20, 2007

Developmental Milestones and Fun Firsts


First trip - 2 weeks old

Smiled - 2-3 months

Batted/grabbed at objects - 3 months

Rolled from back to front - Easter morning, April 8, 2007

Started focusing and looking at faces - 4 months

First tooth - May 11, 2007

First experience with Grass - May 13, 2007

First experience with a campfire (looking, no touching :)) - May 19, 2007

Rolled from front to back - May 23, 2007

Started actively playing with toys - 5 months

First solid foods - June 15, 2007

First boat ride - June 24, 2007

Sat up on his own - 6-7 months

Army Crawl - 9-10 months

Initiates Peek-a-Boo - 10 months

Says Baba - 10 months

Starts Pulling Up on Furniture - 10 months

Says Mama and Dada (indiscriminately) - 11-12 months

Crawls on all fours - 1st Birthday!

Gives Kisses - 12 months

Claps and Waves - 14 months

Says Dada on purpose - 14 months

Takes his first independent steps - 18 months

Identifies body parts - 19 months

Says Mama on purpose - 24 months

Beginning to match objects - 24 months

Jumps - about 2.5

Identifies colors - about 2.5


Started focusing and making eye contact - one month

Smiles - 6 weeks

Brings hands together at midline - 2 months

Holds his head up - 2 months

Beginning to make controlled movements with his hands - 3 months

Rolls from front to back - 3 months

Rolls from back to front - 5 months

Rolls continuously - 6 months

First food - 6 months

Babbles ma ma and ba ba (indiscriminately) - 6 months

Waves and claps - 6-9 months (give me a break, he's a second child and my memory is fuzzy :))

Crawls - 9-10 months

Tripods - 10 months

Cruising - 10 months

Standing on his own - 11-12 months

Says "dada" (not sure if purposely or not), "up" "down" "all done" "bubu" (bubbles) and "pop" - all in the same week at 1 year old
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